
The WEDGETAIL ignition system is available to fit all BMW Airhead models from 1970 to 1996 (the E247 motor).
There are two versions, one replaces the points plate and centrifugal advance unit for the 1970-1978 models. The second version replaces the bean can ignition trigger, which includes the Ignition Control Unit (Module) and module mount, as well as the bean can with o-ring and harness plugs.
We replace the points-in-the-bean can version used on 1979 and 1980 models, (only requiring the included, additional wiring harness extension). It just plugs in in place of the existing module and bean can, a fifteen-minute install, including ignition timing.
We offer the ICU module in several versions:
The most basic is a single circuit for single plug ignition as a stock system replacement.
We also offer an ICU Module with two identical, switchable ignition circuits, one being a backup for the other, in case of on-road failure.
Both versions of the ICU module are also available with a different advance curve map more suitable for dual-plugged Airheads.
We offer the bean can in two versions:
It comes with one or two Hall Effect Sensor triggers inside, which are switchable between them.
The product page for your generation of BMW lays out all the options described above. (Find yours).
All versions of the WEDGETAIL ignition are compatible with all coils from 0.7 to 3.0 ohms, including the various aftermarket dual-output coils. The ICU senses coil current and limits reverse current spikes, such as can occur when the secondary spark wire is disconnected or fails.
These dual-circuit versions of the WEDGETAIL ignition system are intended for round-the-world travelers and off-road riders who venture far into the backcountry where repair parts might be difficult or impossible to find. Remember that these systems were developed by guys who ride into Australia's Outback, where a failed ignition system could mean dying on the side of the road between oases.
The real magic in the WEDGETAIL ignition system is two-fold:
First, we use nothing but the very best-quality components throughout, in stark contrast to many previous systems offered for Airheads, which have offered components not suitable for motorcycle usage, resulting in an unacceptable failure rate and unstable ignition behavior.
Second, we use a multiple-step digital advance curve that is programmed to follow the needs of the Airhead engine, including the flow variables of the chain-driven camshaft and pushrod valve system. The WEDGETAIL ignition system software in the ICU module has other beneficial features: it delivers longer coil driver current at below 800 RPM, to create a fat, robust spark for fast starting and very stable idle in all fuel and temperature conditions.

This is the first feature that people notice when they start their WEDGETAIL-equipped Airhead for the first time:  it starts and idles well immediately, with half or no choke required. Then they notice that the familiar lag, or RPM drop, as the throttle is cracked open is gone, replaced with smooth, healthy and stable off-idle and return-to-idle behavior.
Once underway, they notice that the characteristic 3100-3200-RPM power dip and vibration have vanished. Power flow feels turbine-like, all the way to a robust redline. Those are the words of the testers and early adopters, not advertising slogans.

Then we back it with a two-year no-hassle warranty. Report a problem, and we will replace the affected parts or whole system. This is why we only have one source of sales in Europe. This gives us the most responsive and informed team to manage this product.